Expert Obedience Training for Pet Behavior Issues
Discussions about dog or puppy training generate images of housebreaking — or even training a dog to do tricks. Behavior training is a broader category, one that describes an area of expertise designed to enhance the relationship between pets and their owners.

Behavior in animals is not the same as behavior in humans, even when we are talking about our pets. Every type of animal has characteristics that are very different from us, from pack behavior to the search for food. Integrating a pet into your family is a unique process that often requires guidance and support.
As professionals in managing small animals, we are familiar with the behavioral traits and issues that can enhance your relationship with your pet. Your Parrett veterinarian is able to advise you in all aspects of pet behavior. Choosing a pet that will fit into your lifestyle, initial training for basic manners and housebreaking, or diagnosing unusual or difficult behaviors as they develop, are all issues to bring to your veterinarian and to discuss at the regular wellness visits. We will first attempt to rule out any medical issues for a specific behavior, and then address the source with the most fitting approach.
Prevent Pet Behavior Problems
To prevent the development of problem behaviors in pets, we offer these tips:
- Teach your pet the rules immediately and be consistent.
- Encourage positive behavior with praise and attention.
- Correct bad behaviors and provide positive alternatives.
- Never physically punish or force compliance to commands.
- Do not play rough with your pet or encourage aggression.
- Supervise your pet diligently to provide consistent reinforcement.
- Expose pets to appropriate people, animals, and environments.
- See your veterinarian if serious or unresolved pet behavior problems exist.
To set a positive tone for your expectations regarding behavior, always provide what your pet needs, such as food, care, attention, and entertainment.